For so long the sins of peoples and nations have accumulated at the feet of idols in the high places. For so many centuries the saints have wept to see the glory of God restored, the venerated Virgin Mary and the Name of Jesus engraved and loved in all hearts.

We ourselves, although sinners, wonder about these divine silences. What is our God doing? Why such silence in front of so many ignominies? Why, since 1917, the sky has you faced so many revolting crimes, these monstrosities broadcast by the media: abortion, euthanasia, GPA, PMA and now the end of life's pill, the assisted suicide? The prophets of the Old Testament called for divine punishments on their people in order to get them out of the dominion of the heathen nations and the sins they had committed. And yet they did not know and they did not fully understand what they were asking with tears and sighs.

The Immaculate Virgin, herself, knowing God as deeply and as perfectly as a creature can do, easily understands that if God punishes us now for our crimes, his "vengeance and punishment will be terrible". So, like another Ester, in 1917 she gave us, in Fatima, the sweet and simple way to get out of our sins and to snatch these groaning peoples from the shadows of death. It was enough to fellowship, to confess every first Saturday of the month, to dedicate oneself to Her, to give oneself to Her and to love Her, to repair the sins of sinners. It was simple, it was childish ... 8 years old child did it! With such a simple means, our Mistress wanted to spare our peoples, the divine punishments, already so deserved.

This great silence which followed the apparitions of 1917 was a precious time for men to return to God, but few have made good use of it. Man having returned to his vomit and the time of mercy has passed. "Then a great river rushed towards the Woman to swallow it up and he was given two wings to flee to the desert. This great river is the innumerable damage that has occurred in the Church since 1962. These waves of impurity which transformed a good part of the clergy into a cesspool, as announced by Our Lady in La Salette. This great river is also these tornadoes of lust and immodesties which distort our human nature. So here is this great river which rushes towards our Queen. As for these two great wings given to the Woman, to the unique immaculate creature to avoid these contagious rivers of impurity, are prayer and penance, even more, the recollection of meditation and divine love. These two wings are offered to the knights by means of this confinement which sends us to the desert. Daily life  in our families should be turned towards this objective: to receive from Mary, these mystical wings through prayer of the Rosary and meditation for 15 minutes in the company of her Immaculate Heart.

"Parce Domina, Parce populo tuo ... Forgive My Lady, Forgive your people." Our nations understood what you asked at Fatima and many of our ancestors responded to your requests. But we are far from you, we have sinned against you and against your divine Son. In front of the greatness of our evils and the extent of our downfall, we ask you to please speak to us again, guide us, look at us. "

Then, in his extraordinary mercy, today, in 2020, our God comes out of his silence. Yes, he finally responds to our requests and, he answers even more surely to the instances of His Immaculate. However, when God speaks, he always uses the same instruments, those about which the prophets spoke long in advance. God uses the Cross to purify his people. All the history of the Jewish people, and basically all our personal stories are summed up in this Cross, in this God-Man hanging on the wood. The only crucified Son of this Immaculate Lady is the divine response, the outpouring of his mercy on the bloody world. So, God speaks to us through the ordeal that our people have just started to go through this Coronavirus.
Through the Immaculate, the knights will have a greater understanding of the mystery of the Holy Cross. They will see in all sufferings and all pains, distant sketches of the Resurrection. Also, they will ask, not for the absence of a cross, which does not exist on earth, but they will ask for the forgiveness of their personal and family sins. They will become the agents of the Lady of Mercy: "Parce Domina, Parce populo tuo ... Forgive My Lady, Forgive your people" Queen of Mercy do not spare us the Cross but lift us from our sins and thank God for us, this God who has remembered us and relieves us of our faults by your Immaculate Conception.

"Forgive Lord, forgive your people, do not always be angry with us. Between your vestibule and the altar your priests and your ministers will cry, Lord, saying: save, save, save, Lord your people. "
